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Plymouth-Canton Little League

Plymouth-Canton Little League

Frequently Asked Questions

When is registration?

PCLL currently offers spring and fall programs. 

The spring season runs approximately mid-April to the end of June. There are no games scheduled during Memorial Day weekend.  Registration is open between Black Friday and Presidents' Day for the following spring season. We absolutely cannot accommodate additional registrations after Presidents' Day.

The fall season runs approximately August-October.  Registration opens sometime in June and runs until August.

What is the fee for the season?

Fees vary depending on the program, with T-ball starting out at the lowest cost and prices increasing as the age of the player increases, due to increased costs related to umpire staff.  Please see our registration forms for up to date information on cost.

Are there any clinics or winter programs?

YES! Please see the Programs tab of our website for this information.

How is the program structured? What are the age limits?

Visit our Programs tab to learn about how Plymouth-Canton Little League is structured. Division placement is based on the player's birth date according to the Little League Age Charts for Baseball and Softball.

How are teams formed?

T-Ball teams are formed using coach requests, player requests and school information. When there is no coach or friend request, we try to group kids by the school they attend to make it easier for teams to practice together and to introduce them to friends they will recognize at school.

Coach/Kid Pitch teams consist of players who are ages 7 and 8. These teams are formed using coach requests, player requests and school information similar to the method used for forming t-ball teams.

From age 9, teams are formed by a player draft after an evaluation of each player's skills and abilities. This is NOT a tryout! Every registered player has a place on a PCLL team regardless of ability. The draft helps us to create balanced teams, incorporating players of all skill levels on each team to make the season more fun for everyone. 

2025 Player Evaluations and Draft - For BASEBALL Minors and Majors Only
Time and Location TBA

Can girls play? 


BASEBALL: Boys and girls play together at PCLL. We do not have dedicated baseball teams of all girls or all boys. Because the number of registered boys typically outnumbers the number of registered girls, there may be only one girl on a team, none, or several. T-Ball and Machine Pitch players are able to make requests when registering to be with a certain coach or player.

Requests in the Baseball program are ONLY available in T-Ball and Coach/Kid Pitch. We work very hard to accommodate every request, if at all possible.

SOFTBALL: While baseball has historically been a sport with many boys and relatively very few girls, PCLL is now offering Fast-Pitch Softball which has traditionally been a sport for girls.

Boys and girls are welcome to register for the program that suits them best.

How are players “Drafted”?

Each player age 9 and up will be evaluated on a set of basic baseball skills (throwing, hitting, running, catching).  They will be given a ranking that will be used during the draft process.  At the end of the process, each player will be placed on a team.  The rankings will be used to ensure each team has a similar set of skills. Our draft typically is held following the Parent Meeting on the Saturday after Presidents' Day.

2025 Player Evaluations and Draft - BASEBALL Minors and Majors Only
Times and Location TBA

Uniform Sizes

A uniform sizing guide will be made available as soon as we have it for the coming season. Samples will be available at the Parent Meeting with date TBD. It is up to the person registering the player to ensure that the correct size is selected on or before this date. 

Age Divisions

PCLL follows the Little League International age divisions for Baseball and Softball. See the baseball age chart and the softball age chart.

Can my four-year old play?

Yes, our program offers our youngest players the opportunity to play T-Ball at ages 4, 5 and 6. Please see the Little League baseball age determination chart.

Can my child play up?

There are times when a child demonstrates an ability and attitude beyond his or her years that would warrant placing him or her in a different division. In those instances, players will be endorsed by a previous PCLL coach to play up in the coming year or attend an evaluation during which both the attending coach and the player's parent(s) will observe the player in action and work together to determine the best placement for the player. Players who did not participate in the previous PCLL season are welcome to attend the evaluation session to be considered for the next age division.

Every child's comfort and safety is of paramount importance to us and will be the basis for the final placement decision. Please email us for specific information about evaluations for your player's age group.

When are practices/games?

We lease fields from the community and private owners to enable our teams to practice and play games.  Many of these field permits do not become available until mid-April. Game schedules and practice schedules will not be available until then. 

In the past, games have usually been on the weekends and practices during the week.  The older divisions will have weeknight games.  We typically play at Victory Park (formerly Canton Sports Center) on Michigan Avenue, Heritage Park in Canton, Plymouth Township Park (McClumpha), Massey Field in Plymouth, and other local parks and schools including Hines Park. 

Do the games have a time limit?

T-ball games are 60 minutes or four innings, whichever comes first.

Coach/Kid Pitch games are 90 minutes.

Minors, Majors, Juniors, and Softball games have have a 2-hour time limit from the first pitch thrown. No new inning may start after 1 hour 50 minutes. Innings started prior to this time limit will be completed.

Rules for all divisions are available in your Team Central tab when you log into your account.

How long is the season?

Our first game is typically played in mid-April, but some coaches like to start practicing at the end of March. Michigan weather being what it is, we cannot predict when fields will be released to us by the townships. Games run until the end of June/early July, weather permitting.  There are no games over the Memorial Day or Fourth of July weekends. 

How do we deal with potentially bad weather?

We make every effort to hold games whenever it is safe and practicable to do so and refer to the Safety Plan approved by Little League International to make cancellation decisions in keeping with that plan. We understand that every decision to cancel (or not to cancel) is an inconvenience to some.  We work very hard to coordinate with our team meteorologist to make weather-related decisions in advance when possible, while balancing our responsibility to coaches, players, and families to get those games in! If we can play, we will play!

Please note that umpires always have the discretion to delay or cancel any game if the weather at or during game time makes it unsafe or impracticable for play to begin or continue.

Our current temperature policy, as supported by Little League International, is this:

TEMPERATURE:  Games will be cancelled if the temperature is below 40°F Actual and 37°F Real Feel or above 97°F Actual or 103°F Real Feel.  

If a scheduled event is cancelled, you will be notified by your coach. This information will be listed on our homepage under LATEST NEWS. We will also post it on our Facebook page (make sure you have notifications turned on for it!), and also by league email.

What type of equipment does my child need?

PCLL provides a full uniform (hat for baseball, visor for softball; jersey, pants, socks, and belt) and team equipment (bats, helmets, catcher gear, etc).  Players are only required to bring a glove and appropriate footwear, preferably cleats. All players must wear a batting helmet. For hygiene reasons, it is recommended that each player bring their own batting helmet. A batting helmet is not included in the provided uniform.

For tips on choosing a t-ball bat (and on choosing bats in general), CLICK HERE.

Who are the volunteers?

They are people like you! Moms, dads, grandparents, and others with a passion for kids and a passion for the sport! We're all volunteers here at PCLL. All volunteers who work with players are subject to a full background check thru Lexis Nexus.  PCLL typically operates with 125+ screened volunteers each season. PLEASE JOIN US! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED AND WELCOME!

What makes PCLL different?

Our commitment to player development and safety is key to our success.  PCLL is the first league in Michigan to win the ASAP Safety Award from Little League International.  Each year, five leagues across the country are selected. In 2012, PCLL was one of them.  We have committed to the development of players by having both player development and player agent positions on our board.  Our winter clinics are just the start of the developmental opportunities we offer our players.  Through our draft process, we are able to make the season a more enjoyable experience for all.  

Our plans changed. Can we get a refund?

If a player needs to drop out of our program after payment has been made, a partial refund will be available if the drop occurs before the draft (for ages 9 and up) and before uniforms are ordered (all ages).

What if I have more questions?

Please email us at [email protected].

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